Library Director Lori Belongia to Retire in April

Lori Belongia

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Lori Belongia, director of Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library, has announced she will retire April 24.

Belongia has served as library director since 2002. After accepting a position at the Marshfield library in 1987 as a circulation librarian supervisor, two years later she became adult services librarian supervisor, also serving as assistant director.

“I’ve just have had a wonderful career,” she said, adding that she’s had the opportunity to do a variety of different roles over her 32 years in Marshfield and has seen many changes, particularly related to technology. “There’s never been a day that I’ve been bored.”

During her career she also oversaw the process of planning for and transitioning to a new library from what is now the 2nd Street Community Center. The library project was completed in 2016.

Meanwhile, in the coming months candidates will be interviewed for the director position. The library will work with the city’s HR department and consult with the South Central Library System in the search.

While some current staff members are qualified, so far there hasn’t been much interest in stepping into the role, said Belongia.

“Being a librarian is different from being the director. You’re much more out there in front of the public,” she said. “There’s a learning process that goes with it and people are happy with where they’re at.”

Upon retirement, Belongia looks forward to traveling more, visiting with her grandchildren, and continuing her local volunteer work.

“I’ve been very lucky,” she said. “It’s been a wonderful set of opportunities and I’ve met some wonderful people.”

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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