Life-Saving Trap-Neuter-Return Program Comes to Marshfield

Photo courtesy of Carrie Lippert Gillaspie

Marshfield (OnFocus) – On May 25, 2021, the City of Marshfield Common Council approved Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) within the city. Marshfield Area Pet Shelter (MAPS) is spearheading this TNR effort to help control the stray cat population locally.

“This is an important step in promoting positive outcomes and humane treatment for hundreds of community cats wandering our city streets,” said MAPS Executive Director Karen Rau. “Many cities have already implemented TNR successfully and we are grateful to our city officials for listening to our concerns and approving this much needed program for Marshfield.”

For decades, countless unaltered female cats have reproduced up to twice a year resulting in hundreds of litters of kittens. Many of those kittens grew up, if they survived, without any interaction from humans and therefore became feral.

Through TNR, feral community cats are humanely trapped, brought to a veterinarian to be spayed or neutered, vaccinated, ear tipped (the universal sign that a community cat has been altered and vaccinated), and then returned to their outdoor home where they are most comfortable. Any community cats deemed friendly and adoptable will be taken in at MAPS to find indoor homes.

“Our goal is to get a handle on this situation so fewer kittens are born, which will result in fewer feral community cats over time,” explained Rau.

Feral community cats are under-socialized and fearful of people, don’t want physical contact with people, prefer the companionship of other cats instead of people, and are accustomed to being outside and cannot adjust to life indoors

Every year, MAPS takes in numerous litters of kittens, many of which are very sick and afraid of humans. Many feral community cats also arrive through ordinance/animal control.

“These cats are NOT happy about being at the shelter. Our goal is to get them spayed/neutered, vaccinated, ear tipped and put them back to where they came from and where they are happiest,” said Rau. “With TNR, we can work on stabilizing the population humanely, improve the quality of life for these cats, save taxpayer dollars, address citizens’ concerns, and help the entire community reach a solution that benefits everyone.”

More information on this life-saving program will be available in the coming months. In the meantime, please visit or contact MAPS at [email protected] for additional info.

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