Lincoln Elementary 5th Graders Demonstrate Native American Projects

Eliana, Crystal, Olivia, Serenity

Lincoln Elementary 5th graders proudly displayed their research projects on five different Native American groups on March 13.

Students demonstrated what they learned about the food, shelter, and clothing of those groups through dioramas, iMovies, and Lego research projects.

“They then had chose a way to display the food, shelter, and clothing of their chosen Native American group; some suggestions were given, but the options are pretty endless as long as they are able to show the food, shelter, and clothing,” said Kristin Berres, 5th grade teacher.

The five Native American groups included the peoples of the Plains, Southwest/West, Northwest, Arctic, and Eastern Woodlands.

Aaliyah & Natalie
Sophia & Amara
Trevin, Elijah, & Nehemiah


Lincoln Elementary 5th Graders Present Native American Research Projects

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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