Local Boy Scouts Collect Food for Local Pantries

boy scout food pantry donation
Photo courtesy of Chris Donovan

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Hundreds of donation bags were placed on doorsteps by Boy Scouts from Marshfield, Hewitt, Spencer, Stratford, Pittsville and Auburndale in early April and picked up this past weekend as part of the annual Scouting for Food drive.

Troops then sorted the collected donations at 1st Presbyterian Church and brought them to Soup or Socks and St. Vincent de Paul.

boy scout food drive
A local boy scout collects food. Photo courtesy Shane Schober.

Samoset Council, serving north-central Wisconsin, partners with 50 food pantries in 13 counties. Sixty tons of food are collected annually and help fill shelves in time for summer, a time of year when families may need extra assistance feeding kids who are on school vacation.

“We have been so pleased to continue our partnership with the Scout and scouting for food,” said Cheryl Lewis-Hartl, Soup or Socks Director. “This project started before I started with SOS and this is my 24th year working with them. It is a fun and productive day. We take a break and have some lunch together. We talk about what else is going on in scouting and enjoy the company as well as the food donations it brings to Soup or Socks. We count on the spring drive to get us well stocked going forward into summer.”

Soup or Socks food pantry serves an average of 45 households per month.

“As I write this, we had the busiest day of the year yesterday and much food will be getting restocked today!” added Lewis-Hartl.

Suggested non-perishable food donations for the drive are soup, dry pasta, dry mixes, canned foods, boxed food, flour and sugar. Soup or Socks is in short supply of cereal (cold and oatmeal), canned or bottled juice, mixed vegetables and canned meat. There is also a need for non-food items such as dish soap, all purpose cleaner and paper towels.

The Boy Scout troops involved wish to thank all the residents across Marshfield who donated food for the cause.

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