Local COVID-19 Relief Fund Enters Phase II

Photo: Branden Bodendorfer - Aerial Photography


For Marshfield (OnFocus) – In March 2020, the Marshfield Area Community Foundation (MACFI) and Marshfield Area United Way (MAUW) joined in a collaboration to support community organizations throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Marshfield Area COVID-19 Relief Fund has since supported numerous local non-profit community organizations impacted by the current pandemic. To date, over $22,000 in grant funds have been award to these organizations.

Throughout the first phase of grant disbursements the COVID-19 Relief Fund focused on providing resources to organizations addressing immediate needs, such as, food, shelter, and other basic needs of those most significantly impacted by this crisis.

The Marshfield Area COVID-19 Relief Committee has decided it is time to move into the second phase of this fund. The purpose of this phase is to help non-profits looking at long-term financial hardships, while still addressing needs focused on during Phase I.

The COVID-19 Relief Fund is designed to simplify the complex situation and answer the question,

“How Can I Help?” While donors are encouraged to continue their regular support of area non-profits, this fund will simplify giving and allows funds to be directed where the need is greatest.


Donors have many options for contributing:

  • Give online at marshfieldareacommunityfoundation.org or marshfieldareaunitedway.org
  • Checks can be sent to MACFI at PO BOX 456, Marshfield, WI 54449 with COVID-19 Fund in the memo line.
  • Donor Advised Funds thru MACFI can also contribute. Call Stacey at 715-384-9029 or email at [email protected]


  • In a consolidated effort to help those most affected by COVID-19, MACFI and MAUW are waiving all administrative fees for the Relief Fund. This means (with the exception of fees charged by banks/credit card companies) that 100% of a donor’s gift will be used to help those most affected by COVID-19 in the Marshfield Area. 


  • Eligible organizations can submit a brief grant application for funding at either the marshfieldareacommunityfoundation.org or marshfieldareaunitedway.org websites.


  • Grants will be given in the MACFI and MAUW service areas.
  • The Marshfield Area COVID-19 Relief Fund will make grants to 501 (c )3 non-profit organizations.
  • The Marshfield Area COVID-19 Relief Fund is not able to provide grants to individuals. Instead, the committee will work to move resources as quickly as possible to those community-based organizations directly supporting those most affected by COVID-19.
  • Grants from the COVID-19 Relief Fund will be recommended by an advisory committee appointed by MAUW & MACFI.
  • All COVID-19 Relief Funds will be used for COVID-19 relief.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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