Local Group to Host 9/11 Memorial Gathering at Columbia Park


Submitted to OnFocus – Local group “Concerned Citizen of Marshfield” is hosting a gathering on September 11, 2020 to remember the lives lost on 9/11/01 and to thank the First Responders for their tireless efforts in keeping local communities safe.

“We want to honor those who served in the military, in our law enforcement, our fire departments and EMTs,” said event organizer Mary Carney.

The event will take place at Columbia Park, 201 West Arnold Street from 4:30-7:30pm and will feature music by Buck Drexler and the Balsam Road Ramblers, food, and testimonials.

At 6:00pm, there will be a scheduled time of prayer and reflection for those who died during the terrorist attacks, and their families.

“We want all our First Responders to know we appreciate them and to know we have their back,” said Carney. “It’s a family-friendly event, a chance to celebrate our heroes and come together as a community.”

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