Local Groups Celebrate 4-H Week

Photo courtesy of Becky Bauer, Golden Glow 4H

(OnFocus) Special displays courtesy of local 4-H groups are on display in central Wisconsin for National 4-H Week.

The lawn decorating contest saw participation from Badger, Golden Glow, Richfield, Snyder, Pleasant Corners, and Shady Lane who put their creativity to work. Judges will select the winners, who receive cash prizes.

This year’s theme is “Inspire Kids to Do,” which highlights how 4-H kids take part in hands-on learning in fields including agriculture, health, science, and civic engagement, said Laura Huber, 4-H Program Coordinator.

4-H displays are also set up at libraries in Marshfield, Vesper, and Nekoosa to share the organization’s message of hands-on learning.

Learn more about 4-H at wood.extension.wisc.edu. or by visiting the Wood County 4-H, WI Facebook page.

photos submitted by Laura Huber

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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