Wood County Chapter of “Moms for Liberty” Launched

moms for liberty wood county wisconsin
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WOOD COUNTY, WI (OnFocus) – A Wood County chapter of the nonprofit group “Moms for Liberty” has been formed and parents are encouraged to join. A 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, their mission is to organize, educate and empower parents to defend parental rights at all levels of government.

“The group was founded nationally by two moms and former school board members who are dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government,” said Mary Jo Wheeler, founder of the local chapter. “Our goal is to hold our local leaders accountable, oppose government overreach, and promote teaching the principles of liberty in our homes and community.”

The local chapter is just one of four chapters in Wisconsin. The group of concerned parents started meeting informally in January, then learned about “Moms for Liberty” and formed the local chapter. Goals locally include diving into curriculum issues, partnering with businesses to prepare graduates for the workforce, and addressing safety concerns.

“Policies locally are hurting our children and we’re encouraging parents to get involved and learn what’s going on,” said Wheeler. “It is not just happening in big cities – it is happening locally.”


Wheeler encourages parents, grandparents, and community members that value parental rights to get involved.

“Are you tired of feeling like you are alone in your concerns for the future of your children? Do you try to speak to community leaders about your concerns and your voice goes unheard? There is power in numbers and the purpose of our organization is to fight for the survival of America by unifying, educating, and empowering parents,” said Wheeler. “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! We are stronger together!”

To learn more and get involved, contact a board member or visit www.momsforliberty.org.

Mary Jo Wheeler-Schueller
Chapter Chair

Mike O’Reilly
Vice Chair

Robyn Schindler

Stacey Hill

The next meeting is August 8, 6:30pm at Hotel Marshfield, featuring special guest speaker Mindy Mulryan from Destinations Career Academy. She will speak about CTE programs available to Marshfield students. All are welcome to attend and ask questions.

Joining the group is free and anyone is welcome to join. Voting members pay an annual $50 membership.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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