Local Philanthropist Doubles Donation Efforts for Cancer Research

LEFT: Dan donates $25,000 to the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center. RIGHT: Dan and Linda Neve pose with a check for $175,000 which was gifted to the Marshfield Clinic Health System Foundation on Monday. Submitted photo.

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Retired construction worker Dan Neve is at it again with a sizable donation to help fund cancer research.

This year, Neve donated a total of $200,000 to local entities working to help find a cure for cancer. Two separate donations of $25,000 to the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center and $175,000 to the Marshfield Clinic Health System Foundation were handed out on Monday, Dec. 20.

Neve travels the country with his wife, Linda, and shows off his collection of vintage and sporty Ford Mustangs he owns. He raises money through t-shirt and other apparel sales printed by Marshfield’s own Premier Printing.

The proceeds of the sales go towards the donations to fund cancer research. Neve has raised approximately $800,000 since he began touring in 2010. Previously, Neve’s record donation had been $92,000 in 2019 but with the outpouring of support in 2021, he was able to double that number.

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The cause hits close to home for Neve who has had multiple family members receive cancer diagnoses.

“When I started this back in 2010, it was right about when my wife and mother were diagnosed with breast cancer about a month apart,” Neve said. “I was purchasing a new car at the time, a Mustang GT500. I thought I’d use the car to raise awareness for a year and here we are 11 years later. My goal was $10,000 and I hit that.”

Neve has also lost two sister-in-laws to breast cancer and he said, “It just affects too many people.”

Neve’s passion will continue into 2022 as he is offering a brand new 2022 Shelby GT500 “Billy Johnson” Heritage Edition in Brittany Blue for those that donate to the cause. If you are interested in entering the drawing, check them out on Facebook. You can also stay up-to-date with Dan’s travels via his website.

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Neve said there are so many people involved in making the donations happen. The donations wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of his sponsors: Staab Construction,  Partners Bank, Feltz Tire, and Arts Body in Marshfield as well as Truck Lettering Co., Pittsville, Prosticker, Wisconsin Rapids, and Johnson Towing and Furo Headers of Stevens Point.

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