Local Police Departments Coordinate Efforts to Enforce Traffic Laws


The Wood County Sheriff’s Department has shared the results from a coordinated effort between local police departments to catch traffic violations, particularly speeding.

An unanticipated $20,000 Speed Grant came from the Bureau of Traffic Safety to finance additional time to enforce speed, seat belt, and reckless driving laws through September 2019. Portions of the grant funding was shared with the police departments of Wisconsin Rapids, Marshfield, Grand Rapids, Nekoosa, Port Edwards, and Pittsville for enforcement efforts in Wood County.

Altogether, the departments reported issuing 68 traffic citations for speeding in Wood County.

They also uncovered 22 seat belt violations, 8 Operating after Revocation or Suspension violations, 155 various moving and equipment violations, and issued 6 citations for vehicle registration. Officers made 6 OWI arrests and wrote 117 warnings for various moving and equipment violations.

The initiative’s goal is to improve roadway safety for Wood County citizens. Departments will coordinate another traffic deployment on August 5.


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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