Local Resident Collecting Food Pantry Items in Memory of Her Mom


Donations Can Be Dropped Off at Weiler’s Convenience Store

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Trisha Mayer’s mother, Connie, would have been 70 years-old on St. Patrick’s Day this year. In memory of her mom, Mayer is collecting donations to Soup or Socks Food Pantry and Clothes Closet in Marshfield. Keeping with the theme of “7’s,” Mayer is encouraging those interested in donating to collect items in increments of 7, 17, or 70. Cash donations are also welcome.

“I didn’t want what would be my mom’s 70th birthday pass without doing something in her honor,” said Mayer. “I feel bad for anyone that never got to meet the force that was Connie Jean!”

The top 7 items Soup or Socks currently needs are:

  1. Gravy
  2. Jelly
  3. Mac & Cheese
  4. Tomato Paste
  5. Canned Carrots
  6. Dish Soap
  7. All-Purpose Cleaner

Donations can be made in-person at Weiler’s Convenience Store’s 2005 N Central Avenue location in Marshfield, or via Venmo to Trisha HERE. Deadline is March 17, 2023.

collection poster

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