Local Students Experience Being “Firefighter for a Day”


Six Area Students Win Marshfield Fire & Rescue Fire Prevention Contest

As Fire Prevention Month celebrations wind down, six area students have had the chance to experience what it’s like to be a firefighter for a day.

Educational activities held throughout the month included coloring and video contests, with prizes spanning everything from a pizza party, flight lessons donated by Duffy’s Aircraft, two new bicycles donated by V&H, and an iPad mini donated by Target and Firefighters Union 1021, but arguably the most popular prize is the chance to be a firefighter for a day.

Students in third and fourth grade compete for this prize by creating a home escape plan that includes two separate ways out of their home. Six winners are chosen, with two students then participating on three different days.

On the morning of October 30, fire and rescue crew members picked up the second set of winners: Ella from OLP and Hannah from Lincoln Elementary. They drove them via fire truck to the Fire & Rescue Department, where the girls spent the day in firefighter gear doing various fire-related activities such as operating a fire hose and riding in the bucket to the top of the ladder truck.

“They get to have a pretty unique experience,” said Erik Jonas, Fire Prevention Coordinator. “It’s a pretty coveted prize. The smiles on their faces are pretty neat!”

Photos and video are taken throughout the day, which are then sent home with the students so that they can share the photos with their families. They also get a gift bag.

“We went on the ladder- it was so much fun!” said Ella.

“Firefighter for a Day” has been a staple at Marshfield Fire & Rescue for more than twenty years, with plans to continue for many more.

Full list of area winners:

  • An Vo, 4th grade from Madison Elementary
  • Jane Peterson, 4th grade from Grant Elementary
  • Ella Kadolph, 3rd grade from Our Lady of Peace
  • Hannah Knapp, 4th grade from Lincoln Elementary
  • Lillian Griesbach, 3rd grade from Nasonville Elementary
  • Ryan Kundinger, 3rd grade from Trinity Lutheran
News Desk
Author: News Desk