Lois TeStrake Seeking Mayoral Bid in 2022


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Citizen and business owner Lois TeStrake has announced that she has taken out papers in hopes of becoming the City of Marshfield Mayor in 2022.

TeStrake announced the decision in a Facebook post on her personal page.

“Hello, and a blessed day to all my Marshfield community friends, and to all the people that I so look forward to getting to introduce myself to,” TeStrake said. “Because of my love of this city, I have decided to run for the office of Mayor of the city of Marshfield.”

TeStrake said she has lived in Central Wisconsin her whole life and because of that, loves the city.

“For over 35 years, as an adult in Marshfield, I have been a successful business owner, community volunteer, and a member of many community organizations,” TeStrake said. “My husband Gary, and I have taken great pride in helping different civic organizations reach new heights in their efforts to make our city a much better place to live. I want to continue that as your Mayor, should I be fortunate.”

TeStrake mentioned that she has the qualities that make for a good Mayor.

“Being honest, forthright, and a supporter of good quality city staff, should be second nature to any Mayor, or elected official,” TeStrake said. “I want to help bring the Mayors office back to a position that each and every resident can again be proud of. That starts today!”

TeStrake mentioned her qualifications as a religious person and vowed to be truthful to the public.

“I am a devote Christian and I give thanks to God each and everyday for the many blessings I have,” TeStrake said. “As your Mayor, I will be true to the office, I will be true to you, and I will be true to the Oath for which the position requires.”

The potential candidate will have to secure 200 signatures (nominations) and turn them in to the City Clerk’s Office before January 4th at 5 p.m. in order to be put on the ballot. If there are multiple candidates, the City will host debates to help citizens determine their choice for Mayor.

Former Alderman Ken Bargender, Former Mayor Bob McManus and citizen Evan Dayton have also taken out paperwork to secure the 200 signatures required to be shown on the ballot.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk