Lori Gropp Joins Marshfield Area Community Foundation Board


OnFocus – The Marshfield Area Community Foundation is excited to announce Lori Gropp appointment to our Board. The Board consists of 15 members who are appointed by individuals or organizations. They are elected by a majority of the Board of Directors. The Board meets  monthly and is responsible for all functions of the Foundation.

Lori Gropp is the Academic Business Systems Manager & Patient Education Manager for the Marshfield Clinic, Division of Education. She previously served as the Chief Financial Officer  for Automated Products and Regional Chief Financial Officer  for Associated Bank. She served as a senior accountant at Hawkins, Ash, Baptie & Company, and Clifton, Gunderson LLP.  She has her BA in Accounting from St Norbert College and her CPA.

Lori and her husband Jake, have three adult children and two grandkids (ages 1 and 3), a Wheaten Terrier and 2 grand dogs. She serves as Chairman of the Board of Forward Financial, serves on the Marshfield Public Library Foundation Board, Hope Lodge, Vita Bella Gala, Co-Chair and Committee member.She has volunteered with many other local non-profit and served in leadership roles. Lori says; “I grew up in Marshfield and volunteering and giving back to the community is very important to me as the community has been good to me and my family.” When she’s not at work or at meetings she loves to spend time with her family, travel, kayak, hike, leisurely bike, exercise and just stay active.

The Marshfield Area community Foundation is lucky to have terrific board members such as Lori.  We welcome Lori Gropp!

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News Desk
Author: News Desk