Lost Hunter Found After Spending Night in Woods


(OnFocus) A lost hunter who spent the night in the woods was found safe Monday morning.

The missing man had been hunting on public property since Sunday morning and did not come home that night. The hunter was reported missing by his wife in the Town of Seneca early Monday morning at 5:44 a.m to the Wood County Sheriff’s Department.

Family members tracked down his vehicle on Lonetree Lane and assisted in finding the hunter. At 7:14 a.m. officers on scene requested personnel for a search and Rescue 3 was paged at 7:20 a.m. However, the man was found just a few minutes later by family members before emergency personnel arrived.

The lost hunter had made a fire to keep warm overnight and was getting ready to try to find his way out when he was discovered. According to Wood County Sheriff’s Department the hunter was in good spirits, and while a Vesper ambulance was requested for a check-up, he did not have any injuries.

Life Link III Locates Missing Hunter

Clark County, Life Link III Hold Joint Training Exercise to Locate ‘Missing’ Hunter

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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