Loyal Splash Pad Fundraiser Sends Over 3,300 Pairs of Shoes to Haiti

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Loyal, WI (OnFocus) A shoe drive fundraiser for the future Loyal splash pad collected a total of 3,376 pairs of shoes for families living in poverty in Haiti who can then sell them for income.

The 135 bags of shoes were picked up Thursday and are being transported to Florida, where they will be weighed and distributed through the company Funds2Org. For each pound, 40 cents is donated to the splash pad project.

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“We chose this fundraiser because we liked the idea of not asking for money,” said Erin Shafto, who headed the fundraiser. “Most people have shoes sitting around that aren’t bring worn and it’s for a great cause both locally and internationally.”

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Organizers set a goal of collecting 2,500 shoes. In Marshfield, two collection events were held in May.

The Loyal splash pad is continuing fundraising efforts to bring the water feature to the area with plans of opening in the summer of 2021. Donate through the Clark County Community Foundation or purchase a personalized brick toward the project.

“We are excited to bring a fun family activity to our small rural community,” Shafto said.

For more information, visit LoyalSplashPad.com or follow the Splash Pad Coming to Loyal Facebook page.

Splash Pad Coming to Loyal/FB
News Desk
Author: News Desk

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