Luckiest and Unluckiest States in America Revealed


Luckiest and Unluckiest States in America Revealed

New study that reveals the luckiest and unluckiest states in America.

Wisconsin has been named the ninth-luckiest state in America! With an index score of 61.22/100, Wisconsinites are deemed to be among the luckiest in America.

In order to determine this, the team at have analysed these factors in each state to see which set of residents have the most luck:

  • the number of lottery winners
  • life expectancy
  • car accidents
  • natural disasters
  • crime rate

Below is the Top 10 ranking of the Luckiest States in America:

Rank US State Lottery Index Life Expectancy Index Car Accident Index Natural Disaster Index Crime Index Total Index
1 New Hampshire 100.00% 80.68% 86.78% 66.67% 100.00% 86.83
2 Vermont 72.30% 78.41% 76.47% 66.67% 93.61% 77.49
3 New Jersey 60.30% 63.64% 93.34% 66.67% 95.92% 75.97
4 Massachusetts 20.02% 80.68% 100% 66.67% 98.28% 73.13
5 Rhode Island 42.65% 71.59% 92.66% 66.67% 90.82% 72.88
6 New York 50.52% 65.91% 99.35% 66.67% 79.58% 72.40
7 Maine 33.40% 67.05% 65.40% 66.67% 98.13% 66.13
8 Connecticut 12.92% 73.86% 83.35% 66.67% 76.49% 62.66
9 Wisconsin 39.48% 65.91% 73.82% 50.00% 76.91% 61.22
10 Pennsylvania 21.70% 55.68% 81.14% 66.67% 67.61% 58.56

Find the full report here:

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Rank State Lottery winners Lottery win rate over 10M people Life Expectancy Car accidents per 100K people Potential disasters Crime rate per 100k Total index (/100)
1 New Hampshire 3 2.14 79 711 2 2344 86.83
2 Vermont 1 1.54 78.8 903 2 2607 77.49
3 New Jersey 12 1.29 77.5 589 2 2512 75.97
4 Massachusetts 3 0.43 79 466 2 2415 73.13
5 Rhode Island 1 0.91 78.2 602 2 2722 72.88
6 New York 21 1.08 77.7 478 2 3185 72.40
7 Maine 1 0.71 77.8 1108 2 2421 66.13
8 Connecticut 1 0.28 78.4 775 2 3312 62.66
9 Wisconsin 5 0.84 77.7 952 3 3295 61.22
10 Pennsylvania 6 0.46 76.8 816 2 3678 58.56
11 Idaho 0 0.00 78.4 1017 3 2466 58.24
12 Delaware 1 0.96 76.7 1049 2 4355 57.17
13 Maryland 2 0.32 76.8 875 2 3619 56.90
14 Illinois 7 0.56 76.8 850 3 3545 56.40
15 Michigan 7 0.70 76 1004 3 3200 55.89
16 Minnesota 1 0.17 79.1 647 3 4527 55.44
17 Iowa 1 0.31 77.5 953 3 3700 53.81
18 Virginia 2 0.23 77.6 922 4 3121 53.07
19 Ohio 6 0.51 75.3 979 3 4009 48.88
20 Utah 0 0.00 78.6 780 3 5190 48.02
21 Nebraska 0 0.00 77.7 1106 3 4152 47.51
22 Florida 15 0.65 77.5 1436 4 3922 47.40
23 Hawaii 0 0.00 80.7 558 6 5077 45.74
24 Nevada 0 0.00 76.3 941 3 4314 45.32
25 California 22 0.57 79 901 6 4720 45.21
26 Indiana 2 0.29 75 1201 3 3924 44.17
27 Arizona 5 0.67 76.3 1347 3 4940 44.15
28 Colorado 2 0.34 78.3 992 3 6091 43.84
29 Washington 4 0.51 79.2 680 6 5759 42.48
30 Kansas 1 0.34 76.4 1301 3 4823 42.37
31 North Dakota 0 0.00 76.9 1232 3 4577 42.27
32 West Virginia 1 0.57 72.8 1391 4 3155 40.11
33 South Dakota 0 0.00 76.7 1488 3 4415 39.85
34 Texas 6 0.19 76.5 1205 4 4937 38.39
35 Wyoming 0 0.00 76.3 1975 3 3455 38.36
36 Georgia 4 0.36 75.6 1419 4 4415 38.12
37 Missouri 5 0.80 75.1 1485 3 5605 38.00
38 Oregon 2 0.47 78.8 1087 6 5610 37.57
39 North Carolina 2 0.18 76.1 1350 4 4872 36.12
40 Montana 0 0.00 76.8 1749 3 4711 35.82
41 Alaska 0 0.00 76.6 724 6 5359 33.27
42 Tennessee 8 1.11 73.8 1617 4 5658 32.90
43 Kentucky 0 0.00 73.5 1574 4 3818 31.21
44 Alabama 0 0.00 73.2 1696 4 4727 24.81
45 Oklahoma 0 0.00 74.1 1512 4 5870 23.28
46 New Mexico 0 0.00 74.5 1724 3 6462 22.37
47 South Carolina 1 0.18 74.8 1875 4 5973 22.17
48 Louisiana 2 0.44 73.1 1638 4 6408 21.14
49 Arkansas 1 0.32 73.8 1942 4 5899 20.86
50 Mississippi 0 0.00 71.9 2323 4 4494 16.23



We gathered data from various online sources to analyze all 50 states, carefully weighting the numbers to ensure a fair and accurate comparison of luck across the country. Lottery wins were adjusted to reflect the number of winners per 10 million people, while crime and car accident rates were gathered per 100,000 people before being normalized for consistency.

Natural disaster data was pulled and adjusted from the Red Cross disaster preparation page; metrics included floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Every state is exposed to at least two types of natural disasters, while some states are exposed to up to six types. So on the index, 100% (most positive) represents the situation where there is zero disaster; and 0.01% (most negative) represents the situation where a state is exposed to six types of natural disasters.

Life expectancy is the most straightforward of our metrics and didn’t require any adjustments.

Each state was then ranked by category and given a total index score based on the averages of all metrics. If a state led the country in a metric, it received a 100% rating, and if it ranked last it received a 0.01% rating.

For example, since New Hampshire was first in lottery winnings per 10 million people, it received a 100% Lottery Index score. Mississippi, meanwhile, was tied for last in lottery winnings, so it received a 0.01% rating in the Lottery Index.


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]