Main Street Marshfield Accepting Applications for Holiday Pop-Up Shop


Holiday Pop-Up Shop Aims to Brings Business Downtown

Whether launching a new business, growing an established brand, or wanting to take a hobby to the next level, Main Street Marshfield offers an opportunity to do so through their Holiday Pop-Up Shop.

“We are seeking applicants for the holiday pop-up shop that will open up in October,” said Angie Eloranta, Main Street Marshfield Executive Director. “We are excited about this program because it fills a vacancy in our downtown and brings awareness and more traffic to our downtown.”

Currently accepting applications from various entrepreneurs, artists, crafters, boutique, gourmet and ethnic foods, antique retailers, and others Main Street Marshfield encourages anyone interested to apply before the August 11 deadline.

A temporary store that “pops up” for a limited time, pop-up shops provide retailers a chance to test out the market, sell their project, and build brand awareness. Additionally, it occupies a vacant storefront and provides the property owner a tenant during the holidays. Perhaps most importantly, it brings more consumers to the downtown to shop, dine, and enjoy life.

“This is the one opportunity that you have to try out your business without it being a huge risk,” said Eloranta. “You don’t have that long-term lease and rent payment. We help with marketing and signage at the storefront. We’re there to assist you at every step. We want you to succeed. We want it to turn into something long-term, but if it doesn’t that’s ok.”

DEADLINE: Applications must be submitted via mail/email to Main Street Marshfield no later than August 11th.

NOTIFICATION: All applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by Friday, August 18th.

DATES & HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday – Saturday required; evenings and Sundays desirable. Pop Up Shop must be open til 7pm on Thursdays.

Find more information, visit their website,

News Desk
Author: News Desk