Make-a-Wish Truck Convoy Sees Successful Year

MAW Truck Convoy

Donations Still Accepted to Benefit Make-A-Wish

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The “Make Their Hearts Smile” Make-a-Wish Truck Convoy saw another successful year on June 8.

The convoy included 2 state patrols, 22 personal vehicles, and 55 trucks. The lineup started at the Clark County Fairgrounds and made its way to Weiler Convenience Store in Marshfield before returning for food, a silent auction, and door prizes.

“I think it went awesome,” said organizer Punk Montgomery. “Whatever money we raise, we know we’re helping kids. I don’t think we can have a bad year, unless nobody shows up!”

The final amount raised will be announced later in the summer. Now in its 22nd year, the truck convoy has raised nearly $300,000 for Make-A-Wish Wisconsin and granted 60 wishes to area children facing life-threatening medical conditions.

The truck convoy first began after Montgomery’s husband participated in one in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. At first hesitant, she was finally talked into putting one together locally.

“It’s just something that we feel is important to the kids,” she said. “All the kids that we have helped over the year, you can’t even explain how it makes you feel. It’s just something that we decided to do and help the kids out.”

Donations can still be sent to MAW Truck Convoy – Punk Montgomery at N5028 Pray Ave. Granton, WI 54436. Any questions can be directed to Montgomery at 715-238-7797.

“Even if you give us a dollar, it’s a dollar more than what we had,” she said. “It all adds up!”

Further opportunities to benefit Make-A-Wish include mega movie night at the Neillsville High School football field on June 14. From 6-9 p.m. wristbands for inflatables are $5 and the movie begins at 9 p.m. Bring lawn chairs and blankets. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held inside the Fieldhouse.

On August 3, proceeds from the hamburger stand at the Chili Street Dance will also benefit Make-A-Wish.

Further updates will be announced on the MAW Truck Convoy Facebook page.

Make-A-Wish Truck Convoy Caps Record Year

$272,296 RAISED – Make-A-Wish Truck Convoy

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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