A MAPS – Rescue Story
The City of Marshfield may not have a permanent pet shelter yet, but since its inception in 2011, the Marshfield Area Pet Shelter (MAPS) organization has been saving hundreds of animal lives in the Marshfield area. Last summer, volunteers renovated the former airport terminal on west 29th Street to serve as a temporary shelter until funds can be raised for a new building. The group also manages an adoption center at Marshfield Mall. Fully dependent on donations and the dedication of volunteers, MAPS wishes to thank the community for its continued support.
To learn more about MAPS and to support the cause, attend MAPS’ annual Cold Noses/Warm Hearts fundraising dinner this Friday, September 30 at Hotel Marshfield. Tickets are available at www.MarshfieldPetShelter.org/events.
This rescue story took place this weekend, and is just one example of the dedication of these volunteers…

Sure enough … we lead her to an abandoned camper/trailer and she walked right in there like she’d been there before. She went deep into the rubble to the point we couldn’t see her (she still had her leash on) .. and the sound of crying kittens followed. We were never so happy to hear kittens crying! Now the task began to remove all the debris surrounding them.
Safe at the shelter. 5 lives saved and one happy momma .. all in a days work. 🙂