Marathon County Cautions Against Hosting Garage Sales

garage sale

Garage sales, rummage sales, or any other out-of-home sales are not essential services, Marathon County reminds residents.

“Spring has sprung! This is the time of year when garages and closets get cleaned out and someone says, ‘Let’s have a rummage sale!’ However, this year is different,” the Marathon County Health Department released in a statement.

“The Marathon County Health Department needs to inform Marathon County residents that per Governor Tony Ever’s Emergency Order #12, garage sales, rummage sales, or any other out-of-home sales are not essential services,” they stated.

“Even if people were to remain six feet apart from one another, rummage sales are not essential and are not allowable,” said Judy Burrows, Public Information Officer for the Health Department.

“There is no reasonable way to host a sale out of your home while maintaining the social distancing needed to protect people from the spread of COVID. What makes this unsafe is the travel. Most people visit several sales on a single day making the potential for spread extremely problematic,” she added. “Sales that would occur via an online platform and mailed would be allowable. Hold onto your treasures a little longer and help keep our communities safe.”

The statement also reminded everyone to “keep yourself and your family safe by staying at home except for essential travel, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available, sanitize surfaces frequently touched by others, and stay home if you are sick. These simple steps are ‘flattening the curve.'”

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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