Marathon County Sheriff Posts Statement Related to Mask Mandate


Marathon County (OnFocus) – Marathon County Sheriff Scott Parks issued the following statement via social media:

“The United States Constitution is a remarkable document drafted by individuals who were attempting to guarantee the rights and freedoms we all cherish and want preserved. The document is in simple format, yet is extremely complex. It has stood the test of time even with the many attempts to amend it. As an elected official, I swore an oath to uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin. I have taken an oath to uphold the statutory laws of this State and this Nation.

The Office of Sheriff is a Constitutional office. Persons have contacted me regarding the Oath I swore to as Marathon County Sheriff. The Oath pertains to my allegiance and support of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin. The questions revolve around my position in regards to perceived infringements of their Constitutional rights.

This is a wonderfully tolerant community, but breaking points occur and I would not be surprised if limits are tested. We are an educated community confused when advised we cannot enjoy “normal” lifestyle acts such as visiting loved ones in our hospitals and nursing homes, grieving together at funerals, attending religious services or attending recreational activities like sporting events, because these activities could be deadly and may cause spikes in virus cases. Yet, it has been reported that criminal and destructive riot acts have caused no spike in virus cases. We are surrounded daily by many infectious diseases. As a society, we consume products that are not healthy. We abuse substances that are detrimental to our health with no order directing us to stop. We operate equipment and vehicles, which can be deadly. We are provided advice and guidelines on each of these, but individuals choose what they will follow and why. This is why even those who despise America, strive to be here, because of the individual freedoms we share. The United States Constitution is the foundation this Nation was built on. It was drafted to preserve the rights our forefathers were seeking. I am committed to protecting those inalienable rights for we have no other recourse but to do just that.
Please do not call our Communications Center to report mask mandate issues. We have limited resources to handle the call volume for our EMS, Fire and Law Enforcement partners. We are awaiting a decision by the Wisconsin Attorney General to determine if the recent mask mandate will be a law enforcement action or a Health Department function. Law enforcement agencies in Marathon County have discretion in all we do pertaining to enforcement actions taken such as verbal or written warning, citations or fines, or arrest. These discretionary practices are applied daily in all we do whether normal operations or virus related. This Office will continue to use those discretionary powers in all we do.”

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