Marshfield Aquatic Center to be Completed in 2022



Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Common Council approved a fund agreement with Marshfield Area Community Foundation for the upcoming aquatic center capital campaign.

A total of $3 million will need to be privately raised for the project, an amount which will then be matched by the City. A feasibility study presented to the Council in March concluded that the $3 million could be raised privately. The more ideal number will be to raise $3.5 million since the cost estimates are from 2017 and may have increased.

The fundraising committee will first speak with individuals who expressed interest in donating larger amounts, said Justin Casperson, Parks and Recreation Director.

Alderman Tom Witzel expressed concern over the agreement language which stated that if less than $3.5 million was privately raised, but more than $2 million, the project would continue on a smaller scale. “I would hate to see what we have as a very good project be scaled down,” he said.

“Of course we all want this project to succeed, but we have to protect the donor. We can’t return a check and say, well we’re not going to be able to build what we had originally envisioned.” said Amber Kiggens-Leifheit, MACF executive director. “Once a gift is given, the IRS says it cannot be returned because they’ve got a tax donation for it, so those are some of the reasons behind this language.”

The decision would be up to Council to fill in any remaining funds, should the fundraising come up short, or to scale back the project. “That’s just a back-up plan so if donors want to give money, they want to say what happens if you don’t [raise all of the funds], what are the plans,” said Casperson.

Fundraising will conclude in June 2021. The construction of the aquatic center will be completed August 2022.

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