Marshfield Area Parent Network to Share Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results


Aug. 16 Presentation Features Marshfield Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results

Submitted to FOCUS – Marshfield Area Coalition for Youth (MACY) and Marshfield Clinic Center for Community Outreach will host a Marshfield Area Parent Network presentation Wednesday, Aug. 16, titled: “Life Outcomes: The Dangers of Underage Drinking & Inhalant Use and Marshfield Area Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results.” The event will be from 5-7 p.m. at Wildwood Pavilion.

Adolescent use of alcohol and drugs can have life-long consequences. A panel of local professionals will discuss dangers and consequences of underage drinking and inhalant use. Participants can learn how to effectively talk to their kids about what they should do if they encounter a peer using alcohol, inhalants or other drugs. Copies of the 2017 Marshfield area Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) results will be available.

Enjoy a free meal and watch Tom from Hewitt’s Meats grill and enjoy treats from Cupcakes on 8th.

To register, call Marshfield Clinic Center for Community Outreach at 715-221-8412 or email [email protected] by Friday, Aug. 11. Provide the first and last name of participant(s), and if requesting childcare, provide the age of children.

This event is brought in part by Wood County Human Services.

News Desk
Author: News Desk