Marshfield Area United Way Teams Up with Local Churches to Provide Hygiene Kits

Marshfield Area United Way

(OnFocus) When affording food is a challenge, families can also struggle to purchase basic hygiene products.

Executive Director Ashley Winch of Marshfield Area United Way noticed a need for these items while partnering with Soup or Socks to distribute emergency food boxes for families struggling during school closures.

Marshfield Area United Way

“A couple weeks ago, we started receiving numerous requests for a variety of hygiene products from families receiving the emergency food boxes. We were also getting requests from school counselors and social workers,” said Winch. “Thus, this project was created, in collaboration with the Community Foundation and Cornerstone Church.”

Winch reached out to Pastor Andy Kvernen at Cornerstone Community Church to work together with area churches to reach the project goal. This week, 500 hygiene kits were assembled by volunteers on Wednesday and Friday, split between men and women’s needs

 The kits include products such as shampoo and body wash, toothpaste, feminine products, laundry detergent, and razors.

More sponsors are needed for the program. To sponsor a kit for $10, visit to make an online donation through Marshfield Area Community Foundation.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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