Marshfield Athletic Facilities Continues Progress

Marshfield High School Stadium, May 2019

Middle School Improvements in Design Stage

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Progress continues to be made on the new high school athletic facilities, scheduled for completion by the start of the season.

Now that school is out for the summer, the Boson Company will begin the final grade for the student parking lot with final site concrete and asphalt layer.

In the last month, the concession building’s roofing, interior drywall, painting, exterior stainless counters and interior ceiling were completed. Next up is coiling counter doors, interior cabinets, flooring, and stainless interior countertops, said Joe Dolezal, Director of Construction, Boson Company.

The visitor press box was installed in the bleacher area with electrical conduits to the home side press box. Plumbing rough-in was completed in the bathroom area with masonry walls to follow.

“We will be working on insulated metal ceiling and exterior wall panels, along with doors and hardware for enclosure,” said Dolezal.

All underground utilities and exterior pier foundations are finished in the plaza area. The next step will be to continue exterior masonry piers, set the final grades for site paving, and begin plaza paving.

Rough grading is completed for the track and field area at the high school along with sub-base prep for the long and high jump areas. Boson is almost finished with the exterior retaining wall and has installed stadium lighting and the foundations for flag poles.

“We will continue with final base for the field, installing field turf, asphalt paving the track, and setting final grades at the perimeter of the site for final fencing,” he said.

Masonry was completed for dugouts, concessions, and press box at the baseball/softball fields. The baseball field is located west of the high school, while the softball field sits on the Madison Elementary property.

“The baseball site has been cut to rough grade, water main installed, communication conduit to the high school installed and the electrical transformer pad is set. We will continue with final grading for the fields, roofing the press box, and prepping for retaining walls along with exterior fencing,” said Dolezal.

The middle school improvements for Beell Stadium and surrounding areas are still in the design phase and the project is set to go out for bid in a few weeks, said civil engineer Dan Rossiter, Rettler Corporation in Stevens Point. Plans for the middle school athletic facilities include a regraded football field, upgraded track, discus and shot put areas, and multi-use practice fields.

The $10.5 million campaign for new and improved athletic facilities saw successful completion early this year. A groundbreaking ceremony was held in mid-April. Once completed, the facilities will be able to host football, softball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse, track and field, and marching band activities.

Donors Receive Naming Rights for Marshfield Community Athletic Facilities

Marshfield Tigers Athletic Facilities Construction Update

Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for Marshfield Community Athletic Facilities

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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