Marshfield Clinic Reschedules Non-Urgent Appointments to Prepare for COVID-19


(OnFocus) Marshfield Clinic is rescheduling certain non-urgent appointments and will contact each patient impacted by this change.

The measure includes elective ambulatory and inpatient procedures. “We are defining elective as any procedure that, if delayed 30 to 60 days, would not jeopardize a patient’s health,” the clinic stated. “Similarly, non-urgent ambulatory visits are those where delay would not negatively affect a patient’s health, such as annual wellness/routine physical exams, follow-up visits for stable medical conditions and office procedures.

The clinic is taking this measure until further notice to ensure it has the resources and staff to handle COVID-19 and protect staff and patients from exposure.

It is also limiting its Family Health Center Alcohol and Drug Recovery clinics to phone services and conducting appointments by phone where possible. Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) services will not be interrupted.

On Tuesday, Gov. Evers announced an emergency order prohibiting gatherings of 10 people or more, but this excludes healthcare facilities. View the order here.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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