Marshfield Common Council Tables Wenzel Plaza Restroom Project for Legal Review


Marshfield, WI – During the Marshfield Common Council meeting on June 25, 2024, Alderman O’Reilly requested the award bid for the Wenzel Family Plaza restrooms be pulled from the Consent Agenda for further legal review. O’Reilly made a motion to table the award of the bid until a thorough legal review could be conducted.

This decision follows the June 17, 2024, Board of Public Works meeting, where Alderman Giles, seconded by Wehrman, recommended the approval of the bid for the construction of the restrooms at Wenzel Family Plaza to be awarded to Boson Company. The project involves constructing a standalone block building on the north side of the plaza, centrally located between its east and west sides. The work includes electric, plumbing, HVAC, masonry, steel, carpentry, roofing, insulation, doors, hardware, restroom fixtures, painting, signage, toilet accessories, concrete, excavation, landscaping, and site restoration.

The project’s budget is set at $262,500, funded by the 205 Fund (Economic Development) with $185,000, the 202 Fund (Room Tax) with $65,000, and a Wood County CEED Grant of $12,500. So far, the project has incurred $39,283 in costs for architectural and engineering design work, as well as construction and bidding document preparation, leaving a balance of $223,217.

A representative from Boson Company presented the bid to the Board of Public Works, where the motion to approve carried with a 4 to 1 vote.


During the Common Council meeting, City Attorney Wolgram advised the council to table the bid. “It is my advice that you as a council do go ahead and table this,” Wolgram stated, without providing further details on his advice. He emphasized that this would allow for a comprehensive review of the bid circumstances and suggested that city staff return with legal options for moving forward with the project.

Alderperson Spiros seconded the motion, leading to the council’s decision to table the bid for legal review. The motion carried 8-1.

News Desk
Author: News Desk
