Marshfield Community Television Hosts State Visitors


Marshfield Community Television welcomes many locals to sit in its studio chairs and share their insights on camera. Occasionally the seat is occupied by someone whose face might be unfamiliar, but whose work on a state level trickles down to the community.

“MCTV covers many different people from state legislatures such as Governor Walker, Representative Sean Duffy, Marshfield area assembly members like John Spiros and Bob Kulp, as well as friendly faces and neighbors you will recognize from Marshfield,” said Brett Butler, Production Manager. “I think interviewing these higher-profile individuals helps keep Marshfield on the map and keeps our concerns relevant to our elected representatives in Madison.”

The station has recently welcomed DWD Assistant Deputy Secretary BJ Dernbach and Commissioner of Insurance Ted Nickel for separate interviews with community producers.

Derbach attended a recognition ceremony at Hotel Marshfield for graduates of Youth Apprenticeship, a school-to-work program for high school students who do hands-on learning in an occupational area to prepare them for future careers.

“We talked about how the Youth Apprenticeship program overall in the state of Wisconsin is about 41,000 strong and growing,” he said in an MCTV interview conducted by MACCI Executive Director Scott Larson. “We’ve invested nearly $4 million this last year into Youth Apprenticeship, and it’s phenomenal now to actually see the boots out on the ground and how this has been happening in the Northwoods and throughout the state.”

Through apprenticeship programs, apprentices can learn workplace skills and earn a wage while taking academic classes to meet graduation requirements. The Department of Workforce Development works to foster such programs and help remedy the shortage of skilled workers in the state. For further information, the full interview can be watched at this link.

Commissioner of Insurance Ted Nickel stopped by the MCTV studio for a program on consumers and insurance. His department’s role is to monitor the financial resources of insurance companies so that they are able to pay out claims and fulfill promises. He also monitors the marketplace for any illegal activity, with the mantra that a competitive insurance marketplace is the best protection for consumers.

His passion is consumer protection, and individuals can contact the department with any lingering issues regarding their claim, and visit the department website for information to make more informed choices. “At the end of the day, our job is to protect consumers and make sure they’re getting treated fairly by companies,” he said during the interview, which can be viewed at this link.

If you’d like to get involved as a volunteer producer at MCTV, visit them online at, and get trained how to film events that are important to you.

News Desk
Author: News Desk