Marshfield High School Athletic Facilities Near Completion


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The athletic facilities at Marshfield High School are getting closer to completion.

The community stadium was completed in time for the fall football season, but work is finishing up on the baseball and softball fields after a wet summer and fall last year.

The turf is mostly finished on the baseball fields located west of the high school, according to Joe Dolezal, Director of Construction, Boson Company. Outfield irrigation and the exterior fence is complete, and the press box and concessions stand will be done this week. Outside seating and site concrete at the entryway are also upcoming projects.

For the softball field, the turf will be completed this week along with outfield underdrains, irrigation, the press box and concessions stand, and site concrete. The exterior fencing is to be installed in two weeks.

Construction will likely wrap up at the end of June, said Dolezal.

Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for Marshfield Community Athletic Facilities

Marshfield Athletic Facilities Continues Progress

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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