Marshfield High School Releases Students Early in Response to Recent Threats


The Marshfield High School stated it would release students at 11:25 a.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 17.

The measure is “an extreme precaution due to recent threats” according to a message from the principal. Students were being escorted to the Fieldhouse.

More information would be provided as available.

Students on Tuesday morning had been presented a program on school safety to review the school’s response to threats, legal consequences of making a threat, and options for students needing support.

This is a developing story. See below for updates.

Email to parents

Update 11:50am:

An email to parents from the district stated the early release was due to a specific threat discovered in a bathroom stall at the Marshfield High School. All other schools will dismiss as usual. The Marshfield Police Department is aware of the incident and is investigating.

On its Facebook page, the Marshfield Police Department stated:

“Due to a new additional threat discovered today at the School District of Marshfield, High School Students only are being released immediately. All other schools will remain in session for the remainder of the day. We have no reason to believe this is a credible threat but out of extreme precaution is why this decision was made. Law enforcement are currently present at the high school campus assisting with the release.”

Update: 12:15

The threat is confirmed to be a separate threat from the two threat incidents which occurred last week, according to Marshfield Police Department. A more specific update will be provided later this afternoon.

Update 12:40:

The school district messaged parents that all other schools will continue normally and release at regular times with a normal afternoon bus schedule.

Update 12:50 p.m.

A statement from Dr. Ryan Christianson, School Superintendent:

“We are dealing with a new, additional threat that was specific to the high school, specifically referencing today’s date at 1 p.m. For that reason, the school district immediately initiated an early release plan for the high school to clear the building prior to 1 p.m. Because the threat was specific to the high school and the high school only, we are keeping classes in session at all of the buildings, including 4K community sites.”

In an update to its Facebook post, the Marshfield Police Department said the threat was a bomb threat specific to the high school.

Marshfield School District Provides Update on Second Threat

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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