Marshfield Insurance Team Member Mary Zuelke to Participate in the The Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk

Marshfield Insurance team wears pink in support of Mary and breast cancer awareness
Marshfield Insurance team wears pink in support of Mary and breast cancer awareness. Mary is in the back row under the MI sign.

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – For Mary Zuelke, a team member at Marshfield Insurance, participating in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk isn’t just about raising funds—it’s personal. Inspired by her friend Christi, a breast cancer survivor, Mary has joined the cause for a second time to help raise awareness and contribute to breast cancer research. Together, they are part of “Team Hakuna Ma Tatas,” a group of walkers committed to making a difference in the fight against breast cancer as they “walk for no worries.”

“I was inspired to join the walk because of Christi,” Mary shared. “She’s not only a friend, but her daughter is friends with my daughter, so we’ve all become close over the years. When she was diagnosed with breast cancer, it hit close to home. Thankfully, she caught it early, but she wanted to give back, and I was all in to support her. Breast cancer has impacted many people in my life, including my sister, sister-in-law, best friend, aunt, and myself – so it’s a cause that’s very close to my heart.”

Susan G Komen walk
Submitted photo

This year will mark Mary’s second time participating in the 3-Day Walk, a challenge that lasts for three days and covers up to 60 miles. The team previously walked in Chicago and will now be heading to sunny San Diego. The excitement of the event, however, is tempered by a deeply personal battle Mary herself has faced.

“In 2022, I was diagnosed with fallopian tube cancer, and I was undergoing treatment during our first walk,” Mary explained. “I had to miss that event, but in May of 2023, I was diagnosed with breast cancer as well. Thankfully, it was caught early, and I made it through. It’s been quite a journey, but I knew I had to join this walk. Last year was my first full three-day walk, and now I’m back for my second.”

Mary’s battle has been both personal and familial. Her sister, who also had breast cancer, participated in a study years ago that helped advance tumor marker tests for early-stage cancers. Because of that research, when Mary’s own cancer was detected, her treatment plan was informed by the very study her sister had contributed to. She was able to avoid chemotherapy thanks to these advancements.

“That was really moving for me,” Mary reflected. “It was like my sister’s experience came full circle and helped me—and will help so many others in the future.”

Beyond the emotional journey, Mary has received dedicated support from her colleagues at Marshfield Insurance.

“My coworkers have been incredible,” she said. “We had a pink day where everyone wore pink to raise awareness, and both the agency and individuals made generous donations. It was such a positive experience knowing they were behind me.”

For those who wish to support Mary, Team Hakuna Ma Tatas, or the Susan G. Komen cause, donations can be made via the official site,, under the San Diego event. Supporters can find Mary’s name or the team’s name to contribute directly.

When asked what she is most looking forward to about the upcoming event, Mary joked that while the warm weather is appealing, it’s truly the community that makes it special.

“The pink bubble,” she said. “That’s what we call it. It’s this feeling of camaraderie—everyone has been touched by cancer in some way, and we’re all there, walking together, supporting each other. People cheer you on from the sides, and it brings so much awareness to the cause.”

For anyone considering getting involved in future events, Mary’s advice is simple: “Do it. There are so many ways to participate. You don’t have to walk the full three days—you can volunteer at pit stops, cheer from the sidelines, or walk for just one day. But every bit of support brings us closer to a cure.”

Mary’s dedication to the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk is a powerful reminder that even in the face of a daunting disease like cancer, there’s always an opportunity to give back and pay it forward.

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