Marshfield Mayor Seeking Marshfield Residents to Serve on Boards, Commissions and Committees


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) –  Boards, commissions, and committees of the City of Marshfield are mostly comprised of volunteer citizens appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the Common Council. With the dedication of the many volunteers who serve and contribute countless hours, the City can offer all the wonderful services. These volunteers help make the City of Marshfield a great place to live, work and play.

Currently, the City of Marshfield Mayor Lois TeStrake is seeking city residents to serve on the following:

  • •Two Marshfield citizens to be on the Plan Commission
  • •One Marshfield citizen to be on the Board of Zoning Appeals
  • •One Marshfield citizen to be on the Board of Review
  • •One Marshfield citizen to be on the Committee on Aging
  • •One Marshfield citizen to be on the Communications Committee
  • •One Marshfield citizen to be on the Ethics Board

Please submit a letter to the Office of the Mayor, located in City Hall, 207 W. 6th St., Marshfield, WI. 54449, stating qualifications and reasons for wanting to serve on any of the appointments listed above. A letter must be received by Thursday, April 13, 2023. Mayor TeStrake will provide the names of her appointments to the Common Council for approval at the City’s annual organizational meeting on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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