Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union Donates to St Vincent de Paul Outreach

SVDP Outreach Coordinator Trisha Hebert

Submitted to OnFocus – Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union (MMCCU) has donated $5,000 to St Vincent de Paul Outreach, through a partnership with Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago’s Relief Program.

MMCCU applied for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago’s COVID-19 Relief Program, which consists of zero-rate advances and grants to support all of its member institutions and the communities they serve as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“These funds could not have come at a more imperative time,” said Trisha Hebert, Outreach Director at St. Vincent de Paul. “The impact that Covid-19 has had on our community is becoming undoubtedly apparent.  Families are struggling with being able to keep food on their tables, paying the rent or mortgage, added childcare costs, increased medical expenses and not to mention the added stress that all of this puts on our mental health.  We plan on utilizing these funds to help with our rental assistance expenses as the need for this type of assistance has increased dramatically over the past few months.”

“Saint Vincent de Paul Outreach is such an important resource in our community,” said Carol Adler, MMCCU President. “During these especially difficult times, we wanted to help ensure they are able to fulfill their mission.”

“Our mission has always been to serve those in need throughout our community. This has not changed and we will continue to do so through this difficult and unprecedented time,” said Hebert. “We would like people to know that we are here to help in anyway and we do so in a way that maintains their respect and dignity. It is okay to ask for help, please do not feel ashamed and reach out to your community resources. We are blessed with an incredibly generous community and we appreciate all of the ways that they help us give back to others.”

To learn more about St Vincent de Paul Outreach, visit:

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