Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union To Offer Member Relief Loan



Marshfield — Worried about paying your next rent or mortgage payment, or wondering how you’re going to pay for unexpected child care with schools shutting down?

At Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union (MMCCU), we are here to help our members. In response to COVID-19, we are offering a Member Relief Loan to assist those needing help during this unprecedented time.

“We are doing this loan to help our members that have hit hard times in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Jerry Litwaitis, VP of Lending. “We are here to serve our members and we felt this was the best way to do this.”

In a press released issued on March 18 at the direction of Governor Tony Evers, the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) issued emergency guidance on character and fitness requirements for all payday and licensed lenders doing business in Wisconsin.

“The COVID-19 virus and the efforts to contain it have upended people’s lives across the globe. Events, travel, projects, and other economic activities have been cancelled or postponed, which means income that many were counting on a week ago is now uncertain or delayed,” said DFI Secretary Kathy Blumenfeld. “With 53% of Wisconsinites living paycheck-to-paycheck, people are going to need small loans to get through these hardships and many will be turning to lenders for help.”

As a member-based and member-strong local credit union, MMCCU feels it is important to help the community during this challenging time.

Please call 715.387.8686 to make an appointment with our lending department.

Loan Terms:

36-payment loan
90-day no payment
2.99% APR*

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. This rate is current as of 3-18-2020. One Member Relief Loan per member. Maximum loan amount of $2,500. This offer does not apply to the refinancing of a current credit union loan. Payment example: 2.99% APR for 36 monthly payments following 90 days no payment due results in a monthly payment of $29.22 per $1,000 borrowed. Offer is available to current MMCCU members in good standing and subject to credit approval. All rates, terms and conditions are subject to change. Other rates and terms available. Program may be changed or discontinued at any time. See a loan officer for further information.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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