Marshfield Mountain Bike Club Competes in Race

Anthony James, Rubber Down Photography

The Marshfield Mountain Bike Club took part in a National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA) race on Sunday at Nine Mile County Forest, its second race of the 2019 season. The event attracted 1,028 riders across Wisconsin.

Fourteen high school and seven middle school racers competed from the club. Sophomore Laren Maki placed fourth on her 3-lap, 18-mile JV3 race. Sophomore Payton Smith took third and sophomore Henry Hoerneman took fifth in the 2-lap, 13-mile JV2 race.

Full Results:

Girls JV3:
4th Place, Lauren Maki

Division 1 JV3 Boys:
13th Place, Ben Lawyer;
16th place, Mason Gustafson

Division 1 JV2 Boys:
3rd Place, Payton Smith
5th Place, Henry Hoerneman
22nd place, Kason Neinast
24th Place, Lucas Hoheisel
41st Place, Ian Sennholz
42nd Place, Loic Lehner

Division 1 Freshman Boys:
10th Place, Julian Clopton
28th Place, Nolan Quarne
35th Place, Duke Green
38th Place, Ohm-Alex Trivedi-Ziemba

8th Grade Boys:
34th Place, Henry Hilbelink
41st Place, Carlos Koehn
95th Place, Alex Montalvo

7th Grade Boys:
16th Place, Christian Berg
25th Place, Aaron Hansen
33rd Place, Dylan Kohl
66th Place, Reed Shrader

6th Grade Boys:
21st Place, Jagger Zimmermann

Marshfield Mountain Bike Club Part of National Trend

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Anthony James, Rubber Down Photography


Anthony James, Rubber Down Photography
Anthony James, Rubber Down Photography



News Desk
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