Marshfield Native Publishes Book Featuring Basketball Star Travis Diener

willkom no fear in the arena
John Willkom/submitted photo

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Marshfield native John Willkom has always had a passion for basketball – from playing to coaching to writing about the sport. Published this month, his newest book “No Fear In The Arena” is the story of Fond du Lac native Travis Diener, who played college basketball at Marquette, in the NBA, and for two different clubs in the Italian League.

With first-hand interviews from basketball legends Dwyane Wade, Tom Crean, Steve Novak, and many others, Willkom’s goal was to compile some of the best stories that allowed a small-town kid to make it to the top.

After the success of his first book, the autobiographical “Walk-On Warrior,” Willkom said he was inspired to keep writing about the sport he loves.

“I have a passion for basketball that probably runs deeper than maybe I even thought it did. I played at Marshfield High School, eventually walked on at Marquette, and then coached for several years at various grade levels. As I’ve gotten older, my priorities have certainly changed with my wife and kids, but I still have a love for the game that’s hard to describe,” he said.

“Walk-On Warrior” was written about his own experiences, with Willkom’s intention being to give his kids a copy when they got older.

“Four years later, the book has been sold in more than 50 countries, and it was ultimately a reminder that people want authenticity,” he said. “I read a lot of sports books, many of which filter out the truth or rattle off statistics and facts. I told myself then that I wanted to do the opposite. I didn’t want to just write down what happened; I wanted to ta­­ke you there so you could experience it.”

In 2020, Willkom was watching as the Marquette alumni team won the TBT (aka: The Basketball Tournament). Several of Willkom’s former teammates shared the $1 million prize given to the tournament’s champion. Travis Diener, then aged 38, hit the game winning shot.

“A few days later, I was out mowing my grass, and I reflected on Travis’s remarkable career. I had been a teammate of his during his time at Marquette and followed his NBA career,” said Willkom. “I knew he had been playing professionally in Italy and for any professional athlete to still be playing at that age speaks to who he is. I never thought I would write another book. But, I decided to reach out to Travis on a whim, explain my vision, and get a pulse on his interest level.”

The hoopsters’ connection turned out to be a slam dunk project in the making.

“Ultimately, for me to put the time in, I knew I needed a story that carried a deeper meaning for me,” said Willkom. “From the start of this project to the end, I was incredibly excited about what I was creating, and I think readers will see that come through in the book.”

With Diener’s blessing, the book features interviews with Diener’s former teammates, coaches, friends, family members, and other connections.

“I was fortunate to connect with a lot of people, and my direction to them was: ‘Don’t sugarcoat it. Be honest, open, and have fun.’ That led to some incredible dialogue, and as a writer, you know you have some great content when those being interviewed speak with great energy and enthusiasm,” said Willkom. “I also had the opportunity to interview Dwyane Wade, which was a special moment for me.”

Though basketball fans and young adults that want a real look at what it’s like to get drafted, play in the NBA, play overseas, and ultimately sustain a career as a professional athlete will enjoy this book, a wider audience can also appreciate the story.

“This really is a book about belief and how far you can go when you put it all on the line,” said Willkom.

The book is available on Amazon and can be purchased here.

From the publisher: Travis Diener’s rise to basketball stardom wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t gifted athletically, pushed by trainers growing up, or born into a hotbed of basketball talent. He was average. At every level, critics rightly questioned everything that he wasn’t but forgot about everything that he was. From Marquette University to the NBA to the Italian League, Travis Diener was going to make it; he was going to be successful. No Fear In The Arena is a story of unrivaled belief, incredible perseverance, and the artificial ceilings that we put in place, some intentionally, others subconsciously. Take a journey that will challenge your perspectives on growth and just how far we can go when we put it all on the line.

Willkom is a former Division 1 basketball player at Marquette University, who later earned his MBA from Loyola University Chicago. The co-founder of Playmakers Basketball, John implemented collegiate-level workouts into a basketball camp circuit and AAU program aimed to provide better opportunities to kids in the Midwest. Prior to his current role as an ecommerce executive, John worked with high school and collegiate athletic programs on the importance of proper nutrition and the development of fueling stations to enhance athletic performance. Widely recognized for his basketball passion, you can still find John coaching youth teams and playing pick-up games at a local gym. John, his wife, Allison, and their daughters, Avery and Whitney, currently reside in Minneapolis, MN. You can reach John on Twitter at @JohnWillkom.

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