Man Found After Crashing Vehicle
MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – On Sunday, May 1, Marshfield officers were requested to assist Wood County Sheriffs Office with locating a man with dementia. He had left his residence the prior evening in his van and his whereabouts were unknown, according to family.
Patrol observed a vehicle matching the description of the man’s vehicle that crashed into Apsey Auto, located at 1401 S Central Ave. Officers also observed a male matching the man’s description standing outside the van with a witness.
The man told officers he had been in Eau Claire and the reason he crashed was because he didn’t tap the brakes to dry them off. A review of the video footage at the business revealed the man was eastbound on W 14th St and attempted to make a right hand
turn onto S Central Ave. He appeared to be traveling at a high rate of speed and was unable to make the turn and drove over the median, curbs, two traffic cones, and struck a vehicle in the parking lot, then continued eastbound into the building and his vehicle came to a rest after striking the south west side of the building.
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