Marshfield Parks and Rec to Hold Golf and Art Classes for Community


Submitted to OnFocus – The Marshfield Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting a series of golf and art classes aimed at helping those who would like to learn something new this spring.

Golf Lessons

Golf instruction classes will be held on Wednesday evenings from April 21 to May 19. The first two classes (4/21 & 4/28) will be held at the Oak Avenue Community Center. The remaining classes will be held at Duffers Delight (9930 Cty Hwy H). Classes will start at 6:30 p.m. The cost for Youth 12-17 is $35.00 and Adults 18 & older is $60.00.

Art Projects

The Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department is offering One-Day Art Classes.   For ages 4 & 5 w/ parent and also grades 1 to 6 by themselves. Resident’s fee is $10.00 and Non-Residents fee is $15.00. Classes will take place at the 2nd Street Community Center Arts and Craft room.

  • Card Marking – April 10th:  Make 2 hand-crafted cards, personalized to make birthdays more memorable. Class will be held 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
  • Mother’s Day Project –May 8th:  We are keeping this one a surprise.  Class will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.

If you are interested in learning more about any of these activities, please call the Parks & Recreation office at 715-384-4642 ext 0.  To register for classes, stop by the Parks & Recreation office at 211 E. Second Street, Suite 111 or register online at (click on Departments>>Parks & Recreation>>Register for Activities).

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News Desk
Author: News Desk