Marshfield Police Arrest Man for Drug Possession, Resisting Arrest


Subject Treated for Injuries

On 8/27/19 during a traffic stop in the 400 block of W. Park St. and subsequent indication by K9 Steffi, Marshfield police officers were beginning to pat down occupants when a 29 year-old Milwaukee male resisted officers and attempted to run from them.

Officers deployed tasers on the fleeing subject and eventually took him into custody in the 300 block of Magee St.

Subject was transported and later admitted into Marshfield Medical Center for injuries sustained from fleeing officers, officers did not sustain any injuries.

The subject attempted to discard a plastic baggie which was found containing 43 grams of Cocaine, 180 Oxycodone pills, 23 Vyvanse pills, 11 Xanax pills, and 2 Percocet pills totaling over $5,000 street value.

Charges will be requested through Wood County DA against Alexander D. Dixon (born 7/25/1990) for seven felony offenses including multiple counts of possession with intent to deliver narcotics, felony bail jumping (open Wood County cocaine and marijuana cases), and resisting arrest.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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