Marshfield Police Deploy Taser


Marshfield PD Body Camera Footage of Pursuit and Taser Deployment from 10/23/17

Facebook Message from Marshfield Police Department: We are sharing this body camera footage with the community to show how quickly things could go wrong. It begins with a dark screen as the body camera is covered by the officers seat belt but the audio can be heard and video is at about 40 seconds in.

This is an incident where a subject is seen driving a stolen car and tries to run from the officer, later getting out of the car near Dairy Queen on S Central Ave with dispatch telling the officer that the subject may have knives on him. The officer makes numerous attempts to de-escalate the situation and get the subject to comply, to no avail. This ends successfully, but could have gone bad fast, especially when the subject disappears while reaching into the vehicle at about 1:44. 

Video contains content that maybe not be suitable for all viewing ages.  

Dairy Queen General Manager Laura Cooper speaks with Focus: We were inside the store and we watched the situation unfold. We were scared, no one wants to see guns drawn. The event unfolded just over a few minutes and we are so thankful that our police force was able to de-escalate the situation as fast as it started.

News Desk
Author: News Desk
