Marshfield Police Reports: January 6-17, 2023

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January 6

Officers responded to a physical disturbance where a 45-year-old Marshfield male was assaulting a driver from Marshfield Public Transit. Officers arrived on scene and the suspect attempted to flee on foot, but was ultimately taken into custody and transported to Wood County Jail. The suspect additionally had 2 active felony warrants. Charges are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office for threats to law enforcement, felony bail jumping, resisting an officer, battery, possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, and disorderly conduct.

Complainant contacted police after returning to her vehicle in the parking lot following an appointment at the listed location and finding damage. An unknown vehicle struck the passenger side of Complainant’s vehicle and left without leaving information. Hospital Security stated there is not video of the incident. There are no suspects at this time.

Complainant came to the Marshfield Police Department to report her ex-boyfriend, a 20 year old male, came to her place of employment wishing to speak with her. She does not want contact with the male any longer. She also stated the male referenced self harm. Contact was made with the male and he denied making any statements of self harm and did not want to harm himself. The male was requested to discontinue contact with Complainant and her family. The same was asked of Complainant and her family.

Five 4’x8′ sheets of 1/4″ thick plywood were found lying on roadway at the intersection of Arnold/Central. They were taken to the police impound.

Complainant reported that an unknown male was attempting to look into his apartment through a window. The male then attempted to open the Complainant’s door. Police responded and found the male outside of the residence. The person in question was identified as a 23 y/o Texas man. The male was later transported to the MMC ER for a medical evaluation.

January 7

A 20 year old Marshfield man was arrested after he attempted to elude an officer. The man’s vehicle became disabled after he lost control and put his vehicle in a ditch. The man was transported to Wood County Jail. A citation was issued for Vehicle Operator Flee/Elude Officer. Four additional municipal citations were issued.

Complainant reported that her 14 year old son was out of control. Upon our arrival they were separated and calmed down. The child agreed to remain calm the rest of the evening. A juvenile referral will be sent to Human Services on the child for Disorderly Conduct.

Complainant reported speaking on the phone and in person with a 33 year old Marshfield male who was requesting Burger King give him free food. She stated he was rude and at times felt threatened by him. She asked that he be told not to call or come into Burger King anymore. I did speak with him about his actions and advised him he is no longer welcome at Burger King.

January 8

Complainant reported that his brother, a 24 year old Texas man, struck him in the head. The 24 year old was transported to the Wood County Jail.

January 9

The complainant reported a theft that occurred of a Stainless Steel Universal Catalytic Converter. The box of the product was left on scene. There are no suspects at this time.

January 11

During a traffic stop, K-9 Rika indicated to a controlled substance in a vehicle. As a result, a 40 year old Marshfield male was arrested for Possession of Methamphetamine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Bail Jumping. He was then transported to the Wood County Jail. A request for charges will be forwarded to the Wood County District Attorney’s office.

January 16

Complainant stated a 36 year old Marshfield male came into his residence and and assaulted him. Tommie did have visible injuries and domestic forms were completed. Officers attempted to make contact with the 36 year old male but were unsuccessful at this time. Charges will be requested through the Wood County DA for the 36 year old male.

Following a traffic stop, a 30-year-old Marshfield male was arrested on a valid Department of Corrections warrant. The male was transported to the Marshfield Police Department and later transported to the Wood County Jail.

Officers observed avehicle with its hazard lights on. Officers made contact with the d river
a 47-year-old Stratford female and observed multiple items providing reasonable suspicion of drug activity. Wood County K9 responded and alerted to a controlled substance. Methamphetamine was located within the vehicle and the female was transported to Marathon County Jail.

Complainant reported that she went with a friend to gather personal property from her ex-boyfriend’s residence. While she was gathering property, she was involved in a disturbance with her 17-year old son and her ex-boyfriend.

January 17

Complainant called stating a 49 year old Marshfield male walked into her apartment with a weapon and would not leave. Officers responded and a perimeter was established. Officers had a brief stand off with the male and he was ultimately taken into custody. He was later transported to MMC for medical clearance and transported to Wood County Jail. Charges are being requested through the Wood County DA.

Complainant reported she observed a 49 year old Marshfield male actively engaging in inappropriate behavior within his vehicle. Officers located the 49 year old male inside Festival Foods. The male was arrested for Lewd and Lascivious behavior and Probation placed a hold. He was transported to the Wood County Jail and charges are being requested through the Wood County DA.

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Author: News Desk

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