Marshfield Police Reports September 16 – 24



September 16

Complainant reported that an unspecified female patient had drug paraphernalia in her possession while at the ER. The paraphernalia was taken by police. After further investigation the person was identified as a 17 year-old Marathon County female. Investigation to continue.

Complainant reported an unknown person entered his garage without permission and took items. A neighborhood canvass was conducted and video footage was obtained. No person was observed entering the garage from the west side of the residence or the property from the south side of the residence.

A 46 year-old Marshfield male was taken into custody for a probation violation at the request of Probation and Parole on scene. The male was found to be in possession of THC and drug paraphernalia during a search incident. He was transported to the Wood County jail.

Probation and Parole requested assistance in taking a 57 year-old Marshfield male into custody for valid warrants through the Department of Corrections and Eau Claire County. The male was transported to Marshfield PD and then taken to Wood County Jail.

September 17

A male subject was attempting to break into a business on Depot Street. Upon officer arrival, a male subject was seen walking away from the business and when approached by officers refused to comply with officer’s command and was decentralized with an electronic control device. He was taken into custody and found to be on probation. Charges are being referred to Wood County DA.

Complainant reported a physical disturbance between a 36 year-old Marshfield male and a 43 year-old Marshfield female. Officers arrived on scene and it was discovered that the dispute was only verbal. Both parties were separated for the evening. It did not meet the requirements for a domestic abuse related incident.

A staff member at a care facility reported that a 62 year -old resident who suffers from mental illness threatened to kill her. Officer responded and counseled the man for his behavior. Also advised the man that if this behavior continued things could escalate for enforcement action and/or a possibly an emergency detention. He agreed to be more kind and respectful to staff members. He stated he was just frustrated. Complainant wanted this documented.

Two male suspects stole four roofing nailers from Menards. Menards loss prevention confirmed that the suspects walked past the last point of sale. They were observed leaving the lot in a silver Ford Fusion. A police department wide e-mail was sent in attempt to identify the suspects. Investigation to continue.

Officers arrested a 31 year-old Marshfield Woman on several warrants and she was transported to the Wood County Jail. Later, Jail staff located a counterfeit $100 bill in her possession and notified Officers. The counterfeit bill was logged into evidence and photos were uploaded to

September 18

Complainant reported a male wearing an orange shirt and black ball cap entered the store, took two bags of peanut M&Ms, and left the store without paying for them. They did not know the male’s name but recognized him as a regular customer.

Officers observed a 53 year-old Marshfield male riding his bike behind 126 S Central Ave. The male was known to have an active warrant. He was taken into custody and during a search incident to arrest, suspected methamphetamine was located in his wallet. The male was transported to the Wood County Jail. Charges will be requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office for possession of methamphetamine, possession of THC and felony bail jumping.

September 19

An officer received a report of a traffic accident at Central Ave/Veterans. The bus driver reported to his supervisor but did not remain on-scene. The bus was traveling southbound on Central approaching the intersection of Veteran’s Parkway with the intent of making a left-hand turn. Driver stated that he observed the green turn signal and proceeded through the intersection. While proceeding through, the train arms began to activity and the left turn lane train arm struck the top of the bus causing damage to the bus and the train arm.

September 24

Complainant called to report an altercation between him and his girlfriend, a 41 yea-old Marshfield female. As a result of the investigation the female was arrested for Battery/Domestic Abuse. She was transported to WOSO jail. A request for charges will be sent to the Wood County D.A.’s office on the female for Battery/Domestic Abuse.

Complainant called stating that one of his drivers had dropped off a 32 year-old Marshfield male. The male got out of the vehicle, stated he would be back with the money to pay, however never came back out to pay for his Taxi service. Contact was made with the male and he was given several attempts to pay it after the fact but never did. Charges are being requested through the Wood County DA.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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