Marshfield Public Library – It’s Moving


Now that the Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library is close to completion, it is time to start the actual physical move from the old library location to the nearby new location.

As anyone who has moved recently can recall, it is a huge amount of work. The more hands on board to help, the smoother the process usually is, which is one of the reasons library officials are calling on the community for help.

According to Program & Volunteer Coordinator Bethany Pierson the move is slated to begin August 15 and anticipated to take approximately three weeks.

“We are still looking for volunteers on weekdays from Thursday, August 25 through Wednesday, August 31 but the shifts are filling up fast! We are asking our volunteers to commit to four hours shifts either 8 a.m. to noon or noon to 4 p.m.,” she said.

While the community help will aid in reducing costs and getting the job done quickly, the request for volunteers isn’t just for those practical reason.

“Volunteers have been involved in the library project since the project’s inception. The idea was to involve the community in every step of the project because this is the community’s library. It only makes sense that we continue that involvement with the transformation from open, generic, lovely building to a bustling library with information, education and recreational materials and services,” she said.

The library has a long history of including the community in their work, even before this most recent project began.

“Library Director Lori Belongia heard tales of the library’s 1985 move from temporary location in what was known as the “mini-mall,” currently Mitten’s.  Every story held a vivid recollection of the excitement, feeling of inclusion and purpose as being part of physical relocation of the library.  People had a sense of being part of something big.  We want to allow as many as possible to be part of this community changing event,” Pierson said.

Volunteers can expect to move library items such as books, AV materials and magazines from the old to new buildings. They also might be asked to move filing cabinet contents and do some cleaning.

Once the dust settles after the move, there will be a brief ribbon cutting at 9 a.m. Tuesday, September 6. Then, the new Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library will be open the public.

Those interested in volunteering for this historic change in the community can contact Bethany Pierson at 715-387-8494 ext. 225. She notes that if you are interested in volunteering but can’t make the times or cannot do the lifting, there are other options like baking treats for during the move.

News Desk
Author: News Desk