Marshfield Remembers September 11, 2001

9/11 memorial bell
DC Jody Clements rings a bell in memorial of firefighters lost on 9/11

Marshfield First Responders Honored at 9/11 Memorial

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Twenty years after the life-changing events of September 11, 2001, the Marshfield community paid tribute to the men and women who lost their lives.

A recap of 9/11 memorial events:

Marshfield Fire and Rescue Department hosted a special tribute:

Marshfield Veterans Council also hosted a ceremony:

During the ceremony, Marshfield Civic Band performed hymns and patriotic music. Council President Nick Poeschel issued a City of Marshfield proclamation recognizing the work of Marshfield’s First Responders.

Marshfield first responders
Marshfield’s first responders in attendance

Deputy Chief Jody Clements of MFRD and Acting Chief Pat Zeps of MPD also spoke and were presented with a special plaque to commemorate the 20th anniversary of that fateful day.

911 memorial plaque
DC Clements and Zeps

Through the community, citizens even created special memorials to honor heroes. The one below was created by Chris Evjen, who lives on the corner of 28th Street and Washington Avenue in Marshfield:

September 11 memorial
Local memorial created by Chris Evjen, located on 28th/Washington in Marshfield

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