Marshfield School District Adjusts Schedules to Make Up for Snow Day


Due to the recent school cancellation, the School District is required to increase instructional minutes.

In order to add instructional minutes the District will be adjusting the transportation and school start/dismissal times, 4K-12. They will be adding 5 minutes to the beginning of the day, and 5 minutes to the end of the day. Bus schedules will be adjusted.

This will go into effect beginning Monday, April 23 and continue through the last day of school. Student pick up times in the morning will be 5 minutes earlier and the evening drop-off will be 5 minutes later.

The last day of school for High School students will be Friday, June 1 and will be a complete day of school. At the High School, dismissal time will be the regular dismissal time plus 5 minutes.

On Friday, June 1, the elementary and middle schools will continue with the early dismissal as planned. This structure will allow the District to avoid bringing students back on June 4.

The Building Principals will make adjustments within the school day schedule to meet the state requirement for instructional minutes. Any further cancellations may result in additional changes to the school calendar.


Decision to Close Schools a Collaborative Decision


News Desk
Author: News Desk