Marshfield School District Prepares for Possible Return to Virtual Learning

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OnFocuse – In a letter to families and staff, Marshfield School District Superintendent Dr. Ryan Christianson provided an update as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact local communities.

“We remain committed to offering in-person learning as much as possible, and we very much want to keep our schools open. However, the number of daily cases of staff and student absences due to COVID-19 continues to rise, and we are experiencing more and more operational challenges as a result,” he stated.

According to Christianson, 18% of instructional staff are unable to be at Marshfield High School currently due to COVID-19. Substitutes and other staff have been in short supply.

“Based on how this pandemic is trending, it appears likely we will be experiencing increased absences over the next several weeks,” he stated. “Due to these concerns, I wanted to alert you to the fact that a school or District-wide closure and shift to online learning may well be in our future. As such, I encourage you to begin making arrangements now for your child(ren), so you are ready in the event the school district needs to shift to a virtual learning environment.”

Christianson implored parents to avoid having children attend social gatherings, and encouraged the previous recommendations of hand-washing, mask-wearing, and social distancing.

“This would include in-home get-togethers such as play dates, birthday parties, sleepovers, and any other social events,” he said. “If we are to slow the spread of COVID-19 and keep our schools open, we need to do more to avoid close contact with one another. The ability to continue in-person teaching and learning depends on it.”

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Author: News Desk

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