Marshfield Senior Adam Zee Earns NFO Scholarship


Submitted to OnFocus – The Wisconsin National Farmers Organization’s annual Steve Pavich and Frank Pries Memorial Scholarship doled out two scholarships to Wisconsin high school seniors this year. First place was awarded to Adam Zee, son of Mark and Shawn Zee of Pittsville. The second place scholarship was awarded to Alisha Klemme, daughter of Scott and Michelle Klemme of Plymouth. The two $1000 scholarships are awarded annually to a Wisconsin High School Senior planning to major in agriculture at a college or university. The scholarships honor Steve Pavich, Dairy Director and National Farmers Board Member; and Frank Pries, long time Livestock Field Representative and National Farmers/NAFCOR Board Member.

This year selecting two winners from the many applicants for the scholarship was especially difficult because of the quality of the answers to the essay questions: How can marketing production with other farmers and ranchers improve prices for grain, dairy and livestock; and Choose one strategy: Niche marketing, price risk management or price negotiation.  Discuss and give examples of how that strategy can increase financial rewards on an independent farm.

Zee plans to attend Iowa State University where he will major in Agricultural Engineering.  He plans to earn an undergraduate and graduate degree in Agricultural Engineering.  Attending Marshfield High School, he is active in FFA, National Honors Society and was recently selected as a National AP Scholar. Adam has also participated in Marshfield hockey and baseball. He has volunteered approximately 100 hours in local community organizations and has been an active member at the Grace Lutheran Church and a member of the Junior Angus Association.

Klemme will be attending the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities where she plans to major in Animal Science on the Pre-Veterinary Track with a minor in Business. She hopes to graduate with her masters in Veterinary Science and hopes to build and own her own large animal veterinary practice. Attending Plymouth Comprehensive High School, she was a part of National Honor Society and the Spanish Honors Club and also active in FFA as she currently serves as the vice president. She is also active in the Plymouth High School Track and Field team along with the Plymouth High School Girls Swim and Dive team. Alisha has volunteered through Miracle League of Lakeshore, where she was a buddy for a child with special needs. She has also volunteered at a local horse therapy program, the local food pantry and local church activities.


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