Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Passes the Gavel

2018-2019 club president Dan Knoeck swears in Jenny King (President 2019-2020)

Marshfield – The Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Club celebrated its annual Passing of the Gavel ceremony on Thursday.

Dan Knoeck (President 2018-2019) passed leadership of the club on to Jenny King (President 2019-2020).

Knoeck thanked the club for a great year in which the club completed many projects, which included rejuvenating local batting cages in collaboration with the Marshfield Noon Rotary, a successful Rotary Winter Wonderland season, several local scholarships, and countless other projects.

“What I will remember is the top notch people in the club who do so much to support the many club projects that we do throughout the year. It’s truly been an honor to serve the club as president,” said Knoeck.

He also recognized club leadership for their year of service. Jenny took the gavel and closed the meeting by introducing the new Board of Directors and shared some goals for her upcoming presidential year and the future of the club.

“I look forward to the challenge of growing our membership and continuing to channel the gifts, time, and talents of our current members to make a difference in the community,” said King. “The name Rotary is already locally well-known through Rotary Winter Wonderland, but we engage in many local projects and even some global projects beyond Winter Wonderland, too.”

The Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Club mission is providing service to others, promoting integrity and advancing world understanding, goodwill and peace through fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

“Our clubs are part of a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves,” she said. “I’d love to see a few more individuals bring their passions to our Club and join us in making a positive impact.”

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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