Marshfield to Host Wisconsin Association of Historic Preservation Commissions Conference

chestnut center

Wisconsin Association of Historic Preservation Commissions Annual Meeting and Conference coming to Marshfield

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – The Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Marshfield is proud to announce the Wisconsin Association of Historic Preservation Commissions’ annual meeting and conference is going to take place in Marshfield on April 21-22, 2023, at the Chestnut Center for the Arts.

A brief overview of the key topics being presented at the conference are: The National Register Program; Design Guidelines; Implementing a Historic Preservation Plan; Archaeology in our Community; CLG Grants; Post War Public Housing; and Church Architecture – Why Preserve & Nominate Churches.

In addition, several leaders from Marshfield will be presenting at the conference.

  • Local business owners Chris & Erin Howard, Owners of Howard Properties & Development, will speak about “Being a Part of Marshfield’s Downtown Revitalization!”
  • Bridget O’Brien will present about the “History of the Chestnut Center for the Arts”
  • City of Marshfield Historic Preservation Commission, Vickie Schnitzler will be presenting “Celebrating Our City’s 150th Anniversary”
  • Don Schnitzler, a local historian will provide tours of our historic districts and historic properties as well as the “World’s Largest Round Barn” in the Marshfield Fairgrounds.

The Wisconsin Association of Historic Preservation Commissions connects the work of local
historic preservation commissions with broader preservation trends. WAHPC provides relevant and timely information to organizations, communities, and individuals engaging in local preservation efforts by serving as a clearinghouse.

To attend the conference, please visit website and register before
April 4, 2023.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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